The BRR Mastermind
The BRR Mastermind
- Help finding your goldmine area
- Support analysing your deals
- Guidance on how to approach agents and build relationships
- Expert advice on how to finance your deals
- One of a kind tax advice on how to ensure you keep as much of your cash as possible!
- Opportunity to pitch to private investors who are actively looking to invest in projects just like yours
- Access to power teams
- Two online mastermind sessions per month via Zoom
- Exclusive mentee only WhatsApp group
- A one-off round table Q&A in Peterborough post lockdown
- Including tour of current projects and invitation to networking dinner
- Mentee only talks from industry specialists; agents, surveyors etc.
- Exclusive content published on a members only website
- Unlimited support in helping you achieve your property and financial goals